An annual highlight of toy fair is the Hasbro Star Wars presentation at their press brand preview event. Below are notes from the presentation followed by images from the floor showroom.
No new mainline Black Series 6″ figures were shared.
SW Celebration Exclusive: Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight (on a throwback TPM card) and Darth Maul.
Obi-Wan will be in the summer wave w/ Ezra, Darth Maul will return to Archive collection in fall
Fans choice figure for an ESB figure, voting to start soon on choice sites. 2020 is the 40th anniversary of Empire Strikes Back.
Retro Kenner Style figures- 6 figures launching – Vader, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, Stormtrooper, Luke
A retro figure of Grand Moff Tarkin will be in the “Escape from the Death Star” game.
Walmart: Lando Calrissian skiff guard
Summer: Vedain (skiff guard)
Spring 2019: Jabba Palace environment, Han Solo in carbonite, Ree-Yees, Han
All new Skiff – preorder available on the pulse
Hyperreal Figures
8″ Darth Vader, pre-order on Hasbro Pulse