Fanhome, the leader in subscription-based collections and models, adds one of cinema and pop culture’s most legendary villains to its product line as it announces a build-up model for Darth Vader. The subscription delivers an accurate, half-scale replica of the Sith Lord as he appeared in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.
The completed model stands 101cm (over 3 feet) and features articulated arms, hands and head to create different poses. A faithful reproduction of Darth Vader’s uniform and armor is accurate down to the smallest details complete with helmet, mask, cape, and red-bladed lightsaber for a truly realistic appearance. Fans will admire Vader’s helmet, which is removeable to reveal the Dark Lord’s face. The helmet, boots, and chest controls are constructed with easy to assemble precision metal and ABS components with a fabric cape and simulated leather gloves, vest and other realistic costume elements that will impress the most ardent Star Wars fan and collector.

As the subscription progresses each month, collectors will learn about the amazing Star Wars galaxy through a fully illustrated and thoroughly researched magazine that accompanies each package of components. The deadliest villains will all be represented, including Sith, Imperials, bounty hunters and crime lords such as Darth Maul, Grand Moff Tarkin, Boba Fett, and Jabba the Hutt. Discover the power of the dark side of the Force, the planets where its followers live, and the many ways this power is harnessed and manipulated.
Learn all about the most recognizable starships and vehicles of the Galactic Empire, from the unmistakable TIE fighters and AT-ATs to Boba Fett’s starfighter and Darth Maul’s dreaded Sith Infiltrator, the Scimitar, and more. You will also explore the various equipment and deadly weapons used throughout the galaxy by these nefarious characters. Fans will also learn about the key planets where events of great significance occurred. From the arid landscapes of Tatooine in the Outer Rim to the vibrant megatropolis Coruscant in the Core, which serves as the capital of the Empire, this section covers the most iconic locations in Star Wars.
Sign up details and information on Fanhome’s Darth Vader is available here.