Hasbro’s Star Wars SDCC Exclusives have been revealed today via Fandom.com and Collider.com. In the 6″ scale Black Series the exclusive release is a Force Unleashed boxset including Starkiller, two Stormtroopers and a bunch of accesssories. The 3 3/4″ Vintage Collection exclusive is a boxed Krrsantan with many accessories and a growling head (versus the scowling expression on the standard Vintage Collection figure).
Both of these will be available to pre-order exclusively at SDCC with the Force Unleased boxet priced at $110.99 and Black Krrsantan at $39.99. Standard releases of both of these will be available with Starkiller in the Gaming Greats line and Krrsantan already available to pre-order. Limited quantities of these exclusives will be on HasbroPulse after SDCC.