In 2022, Hasbro announced an environmentally friendly initiative to eliminate all plastic from single-use packaging – which has resulted in windowless packaging across Hasbro’s brands including Marvel Legends, G. I. Joe Classified and Power Rangers Lightning Collection. The general reception from the fan community has not loved the new packaging.
Today, Hasbro provided an update on packaging for Hasbro’s 6-inch-scale figures. Based on customer feedback, they will be re-introducing windows and blisters to our 6-inch fan figures beginning later this year, into 2024 for select products across our portfolio of brands, including, G.I. Joe Classified, Power Rangers Lightning Collection, Star Wars Black Series and Marvel Legends. Over time, this will expand to all new 6-inch figure releases.
Hasbro will be using a bio PET or recycled PET for these new windows and blisters which will balance the desires of collectors, fans and customers with their overall goal of minimizing waste and virgin plastic use. This is an overall fanastic solution to the problem and I can’t wait to see the re-refreshed packaging.