This morning, Hasbro’s Transformers team hosted a livestream showing the latest toys in both Studio Series and Legacy. On the Studio Series front – there were no reveals, but Bumblebee, Battletrap, Arcee, Airrazor, Cheetor, and Scourge got some camera time.
All the reveals today were in the Legacy product line. See below for all the details by class.
Transformers Legacy Evolution Core Assortment
(Ages 8 and up | Approx. Retail Price $11.99 USD | Available May 2023)
- Transformers Legacy Evolution Grimlock stands at 3.5-inches tall and is inspired by The Transformers animated series.Grimlock can convert from robot to T-Rex mode in 10 steps and can be combined with other Transformers: Legacy Evolution Dinobot toys to form the mighty Volcanicus.
- Transformers Legacy Evolution Thundercracker stands at 3.5-inches tall and is inspired by The Transformers animated series, Thundercracker can convert from robot to jet mode in 17 steps and includes 2 Null Ray accessories that attach to the figure in both modes.
- Transformers Legacy Evolution Nemesis Prime stands at 3.5-inches tall andis inspired by The Transformers animated series. Nemesis Prime can convert from robot to truck mode in 11 steps and includes an Energon Axe accessory that attaches to the figure in both modes.

Transformers Legacy Evolution Deluxe Assortment
(Ages 8 and up | Approx. Retail Price $24.99 USD | Available May 2023)
- Transformers Legacy Evolution Shrapnel stands at 5.5-inches tall and is inspired by The Transformers. The figure can convert from robot to stag beetle mode in 11 steps and features a movable insect mandible feature in stag beetle mode. Shrapnel includes 3 blaster accessories that attach in each mode, along with Evo-Fusion battle features that allow kids to combine all 3 blasters to create a larger blaster accessory.
- Transformers Legacy Evolution Animated Universe Prowl stands at 5.5-inches tall and is inspired by The Transformers animated series. The figure can convert from robot to motorcycle mode in 20 steps and includes 2 wheel weapon accessories that attach to the figure in both modes. Use Prowl’s Evo-Fusion battle feature to convert the wheel accessories into a shuriken accessory.
- Transformers Legacy Evolution Crosscut stands at 5.5-inches tall and is inspired by The Transformers. The figure can convert from robot to turbo car mode in 14 steps and includes an Energon Axe and 2 blaster accessories that attach to the figure in both modes. Use Crosscut’s Evo-Fusion battle feature to combine the ENergon Axe and 2 blaster accessories into a larger weapon accessory.
- Transformers Legacy Evolution Crashbar stands at 5.5-inches tall and is inspired by The Transformers. The figure can convert from robot to motorcycle in 15 steps and includes 2 tailpipes and 2 thruster accessories that attach to the figure in both modes. The Crashbar figure can also break apart and fuse with other Transformers: Legacy Evolution figures as indestructible Junkion armor.

Transformers Legacy Evolution Voyager Assortment
(Ages 8 and up | Approx. Retail Price $34.99 | Available May 2023)
- Transformers Legacy Evolution Metalhawk stands at 7-inches tall and is inspired by The Transformers. The figure can convert from robot to jet mode in 18 steps and includes 2 blasters and a sword accessory that attach to the figure in both modes. Use Metalhawk’s Evo-Fusion battle feature to combine the 2 blaster accessories into a double-barreled blaster.
- Transformers Legacy Evolution Twincast and Autobot Rewind stands at 7-inches tall and is inspired by The Transformers. The figure can convert from robot to radio mode in 20 steps and includes a scoped blaster accessory. The figure also includes an Autobot Rewind figure that converts from robot to cassette mode in 8 steps and can fit inside the Twincast figure in radio mode. Use Twincast’s Evo-Fusion battle feature to attach the blaster accessory to the back of the figure in radio mode as an antenna.

Transformers Legacy Evolution Leader Assortment
(Ages 8 and up | Approx. Retail Price $54.99 | Available May 2023)
Transformers Legacy Evolution Prime Universe Skyquake stands at 7-inches tall and is inspired by the Transformers: Prime animated series. The figure can convert from robot to Cybertronian jet mode in 29 steps and allows for other jet figures to attach to the top of the figure in jet mode. The figure comes with a blaster and sword accessory and can also flip-down its landing gear in jet mode. Use Skyquake’s Evo-Fusion battle feature to combine the blaster and sword accessories into a larger gatling cannon accessory.