Revealed during the Joe presentation at Pulse Con, a special NERF LMTD GI-40 dart blaster will be released to celebrate the 40th anniversary of GI Joe: A Real American Hero. You can join the timeless Joe vs. Cobra battle with this NERF dart blaster thatlets you choose which side you want to join and switch sides whenever you desire. One side of this blaster features GI Joe details, and one side features Cobra details. Whichever side you’re on, you’re ready for action with this fully motorized blaster that rapid-fires 10 darts in a row. It includes a 10-dart removable clip and 10 NERF Elite foam darts. Power up the motor and pull the trigger to send a cascade of darts at your target. Requires 4x 1.5v D alkaline batteries (no tincluded).Eyewear recommended (not included).
This NERF LMTD blaster also includes an exclusive version of the #300 GI Joe: A Real American Hero comic and features special cover art by Dave Johnson. The package is open on both sides so you can show the GI Joe side of the blaster or flip it around to reveal your Cobra affiliation. This blaster is available for pre-order exclusively on Hasbro Pulsein the US, Canada, and select European markets now.