Today Hasbro’s G. I. Joe team hosted a livestream with special guests and a ton of new reveals. Of course you can watch the complete stream on Youtube, but keep reading for a summary and pics of everything new coming from Hasbro, including a super cool G. I. Joe / Transformers mashup!
Product Reveals
- New Classified Series reveals available for pre-order include Tomax Paoli, Xamot Paoli, Lonzo “Stalker” Wilkinson and a multi-pack with Viper Officer & Vipers Action Figures. (See Hasbro Pulse, Amazon, Entertainment Earth and others for pre-orders)

- The Retro Collection introduced a new Cobra Officer & Cobra Trooper 2-Pack. The two pack is available on Hasbro Pulse here.

- The Transformers Generations – Transformers Collaborative: G.I. JOE Mash-Up, Megatron H.I.S.S. Tank & Baroness was revealed as the first-ever Transformers and G.I. JOE mash-up. Available to pre-order from Pulse, Amazon, Entertainment Earth and more

- Multiple upcoming Classified Series were revealed through digital renders including Dr. Mindbender, Dusty, Zarana and more.

- Packaging art by Valentina Remenar (Xamot and Tamox), Frank Morrison (Stalker) and Anthony Petrie (Cobra Viper Officer and Vipers) was shared