Hasbro hosted a live stream today for the Star Wars brand, with a focus on the ‘Book of Boba Fett’. There are seven new items to reveal today.
- 6″ Archive Series: C-3PO (it’s been 5 years from the last time there was an ANH C-3PO)
- 6″ Archive Series: Lando Skiff Guard
- 6″ Archive Series: Dengar
- 6″ Archive Series: Emperor Palpatine
- 6″ Gaming Greats: Jedi Fallen Order: Nightbrother Archer (Gamestop exclusive in the US)
- Vintage Collection: 501st Clone Trooper (with removeable helmet)
- Pulse Exclusive (with world wide avaiability through select retailers) Vintage Collection Jabba Throne Room Palace with carded Boba Fett (from Book of Boba Fett) – this is $229.99 in the US

All items will be available to pre-order tomorrow, 2/10/22 at 1PM EST.
Pipeline Reveals
Vintage Collection: Ep 2 Anakin Skywalker, Mandalorian Commando
Black Series Archive: Han Solo (Force Awakens), Chewbacca (A New Hope), Grand Moff Tarkin (A New Hope), Leia Bousss Disguise
Black Series: Aayla Secura, Darth Maul (Clone Wars Season 7), Saw Gerrera (Rogue One)