Factory Entertainment’s today announced a new Star Trek prop replica item – a TNG hypospray and medical scanner. The Star Tre: TNG Medical Set Replica has been copied directly from surviving resources in the CBS archives to ensure accuracy. Our development team also spent many hours analyzing footage to fine-tune the details.
This 1:1 scale set replicates two iconic props used by 24th century physicians in Star Trek: The Next Generation. It consists of a Hypospray (with interchangeable vials) and a Hand Scanner. Both feature electronic light and/or sound effects and are crafted with heavy diecast metal bodies. Each numbered limited edition museum quality replica set comes with a wooden presentation case, cast metal plaque and a certificate of authenticity/prop story booklet and will make a fine addition to any Star Trek collection.
Pre-orders launched today and orders placed directly to FactoryEnt.com through August 9th will recieve early bird pricing of $374.99. Orders placed after that will be priced at $399.99. This set is expected to ship in Spring 2022.