Hasbro’s Star Wars team hosted a livestream today on Hasbro Pulse and spilled the details on some upcoming products across a number of their product lines. Keep reading for the details.
Star Wars: Black Series Archive – The next wave of Archive has been announced, which brings older figures back to retail, often with tweaked or improved deco. This next wave includes Princess Leia, Obi-Wan Kenobi (prequels), Darth Revan and the 501st Legion Clone Trooper.
Star Wars: The Black Series – Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of Rogue One, Hasbro today announced a wave of figures from this chapter of the Star Wars saga. Look for Galen Erso, Antoc Merrick (Blue Leader), Bodhi Rook, Jyn Erso, Captain Cassian Andor, K-2S0, Baze Malbus, and Chirrut Imwe. Galen Erso and Antoc Merrick will be exclusive to Target. The other figures will be available via the ‘Fan’s Channel’.
Star Wars: The Vintage Collection – Fans of Hasbro’s 3 3/4″ offerings also had some upcoming product shown today – look for The Mythrol (from The Mandalorian), Bo-Katan Kryze, Kuiil, and a Hoth Echo Base Rebel Soldier. These will be available in Spring of 2022.