Hasbro’s Transformers panel during Fan Fest was your typical toy panel with the latest and greatest wave of Transformers: War For Cybertron Kingdom figures being shown (Galvatron and Rodimus look great!!) and then Hasbro cut to a segment where they revealed a voice controlled, self-transforming Optimus Prime.
At an incredible 19″ tall when in robot mode, the TRANSFORMERS Autobot leader is awe inspiring in size and capability. Optimus Prime is equipped with 80 sound effects, voiced by the original voice of the Autobot leader, with genuine “converting” sounds, as you watch and interact with Optimus Prime. Featuring a G1 design with lights, chrome accents, built in speakers and two microphones. He’s built with over 5000 components, 60 microchips and 27 servo motors. And…if you tell Optimus to “Roll Out” – he transformers and rolls away from you. This toy is jaw dropping.
This Optimus Prime also features app connectivity so you can program him yourself and go beyond the built in capabilities. But with 25 voice commands – he’s plenty capable out of his package.