My visit to the Tomy Toy Fair booth was highlighted by two product lines – the new WWE Smash Brawler battling sets and the Nintendo Club Mocchi-Mocchi plush.
The WWE Smash Brawlers take the idea of thumbwrestling and cross it over with ‘Rock em Sock em’ robots to let your favorite wrestlers battle it out. The starter set includes two wrestlers and the bases…and new wrestlers can be swapped right in. They showed a ton of characters…these toys look like they’d be fun for a wrestling loving kid.
Also caught my eye for kids of all ages are the Nintendo Club Mocchi-Mocchi plush. These large plush items are all lifted right from your favorite Nintendo properties and are super soft and super squishy. These were fantastic.
Also on display were some small impulse blind bag items across a few properties and new Monster Treads which are blind bagged Monster Tracks packaged with slime.