In creating their “Primal Age” line of Savage World figures, Funko went beyond the usual and built a complete world with figures, beasts and a playset. Today we’re talking a look at both ‘Ace the Bathound’ and the ‘Joker’s Beast’.
In the package, the beast is clearly shown in a window box. A consistent art style is used across the entire line, so the package is very similar to what we saw with the carded figures. The back of the package showcases the cross-sell across the entire line. Do note, no figure is included with these beasts. Also, the Joker Beast art is the best.
Out of the package, it becomes apparent how faithful Funko was to the “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” inspiration. Like Battle Cat, neither of these beasts feature any articulation. Ace the Bathound has a removable helmet and saddle and the Joker’s Beast has a removable throne. You can place a figure on the saddle, but the figure hovers over the seat. Just like vintage 5.5″ figures on vintage beasts – it’s very accurate. Both beasts feature a great dynamic sculpt, which goes a long way to compensate for the static nature of the toy. And while I say this on every Funko review, the paint job is fantastic on these.
Given that the “DC Primal Age” line is a mixture “what-if” toy line and a love letter to both DC’s characters and vintage 5.5″ figures these two beasts complement the figures fantastically. In the modern toy environment, it’s rare for a line to launch so widely with figures, beasts and playsets from day 1. Funko is well deserving of accolades for going all-in on DC Primal Age. While I do think that Joker’s Beast is a little more fun (I mean, the Joker is riding a dinosaur, does it really get better than that? No.), both beasts add to the overall playability of the line and scratch that vintage 5.5″ itch.
Thanks to our friends at Funko for sending these over to the AwesomeToyBlog HQ to check out.