Spin Master, the leading global children’s entertainment company behind Etch A Sketch, has created a heroic mash-up of the classic red-framed drawing toy, honoring the ultimate superhero of creativity, Stan Lee!
The limited-edition Stan Lee-inspired Etch A Sketch not only helps celebrate the 60th anniversary of the original magic screen, but also brings the legendary comic book author to life in a whole new way for his fans! With a colorful comic frame and Stan Lee knobs to draw with, this item will be available in limited quantities at EtchASketch.com for $19.99 starting on May 12th, and will then be available at retail later this year for a limited time.
Whether you want to keep this collectible item on a shelf next to your comic books or use it to draw some of the iconic characters Lee co-created such as Spider-Man™, Iron Man™ and X-Men™, it is sure to be a HULK SMASH! We have included an image below, but please let us know if you would like additional information, images or are interested in a sample! The limited-edition launch is one of four limited-edition collaborations with inspiring and imaginative classic brands to mark the 60th anniversary year of Etch A Sketch.