Kidrobot and Ron English ‘Apocalypse Grin’ 8″ Dunny Set For September Release

kidrobot tnKidrobot and Ron English are excited to announce the official release of Apocalypse Grin 8″ Dunny. This Dunny is based on a previously released 3″ Dunny, part of the 2012 Apocalypse Dunny Series.

Kidrobot is pleased to bring the Apocalypse Grin Dunny into 8″ form. There will also be an additional color way, available only as a chase piece.

Ron English Apocalypse Grin 8″ Dunny will be available in stores and online at on Friday, September 4th at 9AM MST. Ron English Apocalypse Grin will retail for $75.

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About the Author: MattG