When it was announced that Bif Bang Pow! had the license for Saturday Night Live, I didn’t expect that 3 3/4″ figures were going to be among the earlier products that resulted from this partnership – but apparently I was wrong. Today Entertainment Earth posted a new SDCC Exclusive – an Ambiguously Gay Duo Tin Tote set that includes a tin tote and 3 3/4″ figures of Ace, Gary and Bighead. Looking like they were ripped right from the animated shorts, Ace and Gary both feature articulation at the neck, shoulders and hips. This tote with three figures will be available at SDCC at booth #2343 and is available for pre-order now with remaining stock shipping after comic-con. This set is priced at $59.99 and you can see the product page here.
SDCC Exclusive Introduces New 3 3/4″ Saturday Night Live Figures Line from Bif Bang Pow! and Entertainment Earth