Announced just a few weeks ago, the newest Doctor Who Classics set ‘The Sontaran Experiment’ was slated for release in March. There are reports that this set is already on its way to retailers and could be in stock as early as next week. This great set includes a 4th Doctor, Sontaran Field-Major Styre and his Sontaran pod ship. If you haven’t snatched one up yet, check it out over on Entertainment Earth. Can’t wait for this next set from Underground Toys!
Sontaran Experiment set hitting early?

I passed on the modern Sontaran in the hopes that they’d eventually do a classic version. Now I gotta buy ANOTHER Tom Baker fig to get it. Hmmmm – do I take a chance and skip this in the hopes that they do a single release? Or how ’bout puttin him in a classic aliens box set!? Oh, well – I’m still trying to get my hands on the Master/Axon set.