There was an embarrassment of riches at the Diamond Select Toys booth as there was tons and tons of new product on display. The gallery at the end of the post has everything, so if you’re looking for the latest Marvel, DC, Muppets, Alien, Minimates, Star Trek, X-Files, iZombie, Nightmare Before Christmas, or Ghostbusters – be sure to check the gallery. A few of my personal highlights from the display included:
- Muppets Series 1 and 2! I’ve been stoked for the first wave of Muppets figures which are set to hit stores in the next couple of weeks..so seeing the 2nd wave was nice. The details aren’t finalized, so exactly how the balcony ends up being distributed is still being worked out. But, I mean, that Animal with the drum set…it’s spot on!
- The complete Ghostbusters diorama was assembled in the display and it’s huge. Recreate the climax of the film with the Ghostbusters, Dana, Zuul, Terror Dogs…everything with the diorama that you can collect and build. I knew the pieces were included with the figures, but I guess I hadn’t realized the full scale of it – it’s huge!
- A trio of Star Trek releases caught my eye – the Cobra phaser will make a very nice upgrade from my Playmates one from 20+ years ago, the new Khan figure from ‘Wrath of Khan’ looks amazing and DST announced that they’ll be producing the USS Reliant in their scale ship line.
- Captain America: Civil War is right around the corner, and so are some Marvel Select figures from the film…on display were Cap, Bucky and Iron Man and all three looked great. Cap’s current look is among my favorite of his cinema looks yet and this Select figure does an amazing job capturing the look.
- There was one item from Batman ’66 that I couldn’t have even imagined being in the booth – the William Shakespeare bust that Bruce Wayne flips the head on to reveal the switch to uncover the batpoles will be available for your own Wayne manor. Of course the head flips up and there’s hidden switches.
These are just my personal highlights from the booth. Check the gallery out below and find your own favorites and don’t forget to let your favorite comic / specialty shop know you want it!
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Wow great stuff! I’m a kid at heart so I know most of the characters though must say that they should’ve used the recent looks of the characters especially for X-men as it sounds oldie than retro. In terms of the DC collection, I like how Batman looks from the 60’s is a classic. I’d buy the toy if I was a Batman collector. As for the other toys, they have a diverse collection that doesn’t just focus on classic characters but also the updated/new ones that came up, at least there are choices to choose. Nice post!