Hasbro’s Pulse Con News: Indiana Jones

Hasbro is making a return to the Indiana Jones franchise after a good long break and they used Pulse Con to make their first product announcements. The line will relaunch with three categories: the Adventure Series of 6″ premium action figures, the Retro Collection and role play.

The Adventure Series’ first wave includes Indiana Jones, Major Arnold Toht, Marion Ravenwood, Sallah and Rene Belloq (Ceremonial). Each figure of the wave includes a peice of the Ark of the Covenant – and by collecting all five, you can build your own Ark.

In the role play space, the Staff of Ra headpiece was announced. Place the headpiece into the the display and it lights up.

And while a Retro Colelction inspired by the 80s toy line was announced, only Indy was shown. The team did make a point that the figures’ thumbs would be stronger and less prone to breakage than they were in the original toys.

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About the Author: MattG